Enjoy meal with your 5 senses
Of course, also in Miyagi.
It may greatly delight your senses.
Process of Sushi making
- 1貫の寿司ができるまで - それは決して容易な事ではありません。
How do we make SUSHI every day? It is by no means an easy task.
True Sushi chef pours much effort into preparation.
Our channel
How to make
綺麗な巻き寿司や ちらし寿司が作りたい!本格的な軍艦巻きや にぎり寿司にも挑戦してみたい! だけど 難しそう。ご家庭でも簡単に美味しくお寿司が作れる方法やお寿司以外の一品料理の 作り方を寿司職人が動画でご紹介します。いつでもどこでもネットで楽しい料理教室体験を!2021年4月中スタート
Sushi chef's cooking program.
You can learn Japanese-style cuisine that can be easily made at home. How to make sushi rolls and authentic sushi, A dish menu that makes a party table gorgeous, It is a program that raises your cooking skill.
Start in April 2021
みやぎ 新・すし談義
宮城県内のすし組合加盟店からピックアップして、お店やお勧めメニューをご紹介しています。 古典的な江戸前寿司と、地物の素材を活かした地方の郷土寿司との違いや、宮城ならではの ご当地ネタを発見してみて下さい。現在、新・すし談義シーズン1を全7回で公開中です。是非チャンネル登録をしてご覧ください!
Our Youtube program :
"Conversation with Sushi-chef"
Discover the difference between classic Edomae-Sushi and Local-Sushi. Miyagi's local-sushi includes not only seafood but also beef sashimi [raw meat].
Harakomesi [はらこ飯] made with fresh salmon is also a local dish of Miyagi.
All video languages are Japanese.
Start in February 2021
Gift certificate for sushi
can be used in Japan partnership store
★ふくしまの未来を育む 森と住まいのポイント事業
事業者名:[004] 宮城県寿司商生活衛生同業組合【宮城県】
[001] 全国共通すし券 50,000円(500円券×100枚)……必要ポイント数 50,500
[002] 全国共通すし券 10,000円(500円券× 20枚)……必要ポイント数 10,500
[003] 全国共通すし券 5,000円(500円券× 10枚)……必要ポイント数 5,500
[葉蘭/笹切 製作:鈴木 大]
Inherit beyond the times
Japanese people express it as TRADITION,
Sushi also,Japanese people kept keeping it for a long time, so it was transmitted to the present age.
All things that have been kept long have important meanings and reasons.
For example, why beautiful bamboo leaf ornaments are attached to sushi,
Reason why the traditional way of decorating sushi is based on 5 colors, All these have reasons.
Our sushi chefs are working hard every day to inherit the inherited skills and knowledge to future generations.
But inheritance is not easy. Not only cooking skills, it is also necessary to inherit the knowledge of every seafood and thorough hygiene management.
[ Bamboo leaves decoration made for sushi - Author : Masaru Suzuki ]
Which is your favorite?
Extremely simple, Extremely fine quality.
Enjoy the sophisticated taste.